Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Module IV - Objectives - Useful for both instructors and students

Class Session

Tuesday's class was very thought provoking due to its discussion of objectives. Specifically, Dr. Rob said it is very important for Instructional Designers and IDDE students to understanding and know how to write effective learner-oriented objectives. I am in complete agreement with this opinion; however, in conversation with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in other academic disciplines, I was told that learning objectives are considered a form of spoon feeding information to students and is frowned upon. This opinion is seemingly prevalent among scholars in academic disciplines outside of Education and IDDE. The challenge and goal for an instructional designer is demonstrating to SMEs that the use of learner-centered objectives are beneficial to both students and instructors.

Dr. Rob explained that objectives are useful on multiple levels:

Students Instructors
  • Clarify course expectations
  • Can act as an organizational tool
  • Acts as a guide for focusing attention on relevant points
  • Instructional methods and materials are facilitated by clear statements
  • Can potentially increase student motivation
  • With objectives, feedback and evaluation will be in better alignment

Final Thoughts
I found the above information very useful because learning objectives seem to help keep students and instructors on the same academic page. When objectives are stated, learning expectations are clear and students know exactly what they are supposed to do in order to do well in a course. Students should have a clear understanding of expected learning outcomes in order for academic progress and success to be achieved.

Emerging Trend

Increasingly, some researchers consider learning objectives ineffectual and obsolete. Thus, they are calling for a change in the taxonomies (Table 1) associated with learning objectives (Gander, 2006). A taxonomy of proficiency (Table 2) is suggested as a needed measure for determining learner "competency" and "continuing development" in relation to both academic performance and work-related performance (p. 12). With the growing socio-cultural and political connections between countries, due to globalization and technological advancements, Americans need to be proficient in broader areas and have a high level of skill-sets. Proficiency assessment is viewed as a needed measurement tool for 21st century growth and development needs.

  • "Shows measurable growth over time
  • Integrates complex skills into a whole
  • Shows change as improvements in handling variables, while maintaining standards rather than mere completion" (p. 15).

In my opinion, I do not think learning objective are ineffectual or obsolete. They are very useful in guiding student in their academic studies.In terms of proficiencies assessment, this may be a useful tool for when student are engaged in project- or problem-based learning activities. The real world element of such type of learning activities, lend itself to the type of authentic assessment Gander and other scholars are call for in the field of taxonomy studies.


Gander, S. L. (2006, March). Throw out learning objectives! In support of new taxonomy. Performance Improvement, 45(3), 9-15. doi: 10.1002/pfi.2006.4930450304.


(2012). Objectives. [Web Graphics]. Retrieved from

(n.d.). Random thoughts. [Web Graphics]. Retrieved from

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

ISD Model Status

Hi All:

My ISD Model Status document is posted in the internal blog on BlackBoard. Thanks!


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Module III - Diffusion Simulation Game - Fun!!!!

Class Session

Okay, Tuesday's class was absolutely wonderful. I had so much fun playing the diffusion simulation game (2013) with my classmates, Tamara and Tom!!! This was truly an amazing and great way to internalize the various concepts, principles, and insights highlighted in our assigned readings, group class discussions, and reflective blog postings in regards to  front-end analysis, needs assessment, and planned change (Rogers, 2003). In addition, this type of learning activity is an authentic enactment of the research findings by scholars who assert gameplay and simulations as effective instructional methods to promote active learning, student engagement and motivation (Mathers, B.G., 2008; Prensky, 2002; Zardetto-Smith, Mu, Phelps, Houtz, & Royeen, 2002).

What did I learn?
  • Speak to "Everyone": We learned that the school secretary and janitor were the silent, behind-the scenes powerhouse figures in a K-12 school setting. This went against the popular mindset that we should speak to the principle and department directors first. The secretary controlled access to the principle and the janitor made event planning, teacher professional development, and community outreach initiatives possible on school property.
  • Context: The hidden power dynamics and social network connections at the K-12 level are extremely important. Having background information on key personnel and their relational connections with one another can be fundamental to achieving one's goals, objectives, and desired outcomes.
  • Audience/Partners/Stakeholders: Good communication and interpersonal skills are essential for interacting with clients and other individuals. Others will be more willing to help, network, and promote the planned project if they have a clear sense of the project's vision, purpose, goals, objectives, and tasks.
  • Effective strategies: Multimedia blitzes and collaborative group activities are fantastic ways to interest and get buy-in from early adopters.

What was surprising?
  • Accessibility: Unexpected actions and events can block important accessibility to key stakeholders and slow down/stop project momentum.
    1. Everyday people - Do not anger the school secretary or janitor.
    2. Busy schedules - We could never reach the Social Studies director because she was always in the process of moving.
    3. Bad weather/illness - For a planned demonstration, we lost five weeks because there was an unexpected flu outbreak and no one showed up to our event due to health concerns and restrictions.
Final Thoughts
  • There are four elements of diffusion - an innovation, communication channels, time, and social system.
  •  All four elements are important.
  •  An Instructional Designer should develop a toolkit of strategies and approaches to appeal to potential early adopters, opinion leaders, and change agents.

My To Do List
  • Follow-up on given resources - Instructional Design
  • Review ID models discussed in class.
  • Write 1 page progress report for Dr. Rob.




Diffusion simulation game. (2013, October 19). Retrieved from

Mathers, B.G. (2008, October/November). Students' perception of "fun" suggest possibilities for literacy learning: "You can be entertained and informed". Reading Horizons, 49(1), 71-88. Retrieved from

Prensky, M (2002). The motivation of gameplay: The real twenty-first century learning revolution. On the Horizon, 10(1), 5-11. doi:

Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York: The Free Press.

Zardetto-Smith, A.M., Mu, K., Phelps., Houtz, L.E., & Royeen, C.B.(2002, October). Brain rule! Fun = learning= neuroscience literacy. Neuroscientist, 8(5), 396-404. doi:




Harvard Business Review. (2012, March 30). Disruptive innovations. Retrieved from

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Planned Change - That same old song, yet again.

Hi All:

In this week’s readings, I was struck by the repetitive theme that organizational change/innovation is difficult and often resisted (Jwaldeeh, 2007; Kotter & Schlesinger, 2008). A variety of reasons were given as to reasons for resistance. Yet, it seems to me that the call for change, especially in the educational realm has been a long and consistent refrain. The United States is considered a super power with enormous wealth and resources, but as a collective whole, we seem unable to get our academic house in order where all individuals are guaranteed equitable and affordable education. Planned changed models and strategies are available, but is there true commitment and desire from all concerned parties and stakeholders to implement the necessary changes that are called for in the 21st century? This is the sixty-four thousand dollar. Fullan (2005)  identifies three distinct problems:
  1. The urban context: Community and parents
  2. Fragmentation or coherence of reform initatives
  3. Changing the teaching profession
Will the above concerns ever be addressed on a holistic and in-depth level? Your guess/answer is as good as mine.



Fullan, M. (2005). The meaning of educational change: A quarter of a century of learning.  In A. Lieberman (Ed.). The Roots of Educational Change, 2012-216. Retrieved from

Jwaldeh, A.R. (2007, February 12). Diffusion and implementation: Sources of resistance to educational change. Retrieved from doi: 10.1002/pfi.4180150904

Kotter, J.P., & Schlesinger, L.A. (2008, July-August). Choosing strategies for change. Retrieved from

 (2011). Change. [Web Graphics]. Retrieved from

Friday, January 31, 2014

Module II - Harless, Kaufman, Models - Oh My!!!!

Tuesday Class Session
  • Great session about "Front-end" analysis and Needs assessment
  • Take away points.
Look at the big picture.
Strive to understand client's needs.
Changes can occur in any phase of the ID process; be flexible.

 Learning Activities

  • The work sheet exercises were challenging to me this week. Specifically, this activity made me realize that I have to spend more time reviewing the various models in the assigned reading materials. In terms of my project, I am clear about the following: Context; Educational partners/stakeholders; and Tasks.
  • In addition, I have various theoretical frameworks (i.e., Andragogy; Theory of Margin, Social Cognitivism; Constructivism and Keller's ARCS) for contexualized support of my action plan.  

Final Thoughts

  • Overall, I feel very comfortable with the front-end analysis process. The steps involved with this process are very straight forward. However, the main challenge is to make sure that you are accurately defining the discrepancies/gap/problem(s).
  • Models - I am still grappling with trying to understand the various models we have reviewed so far in class. To date, Kaufman's model seems the most interesting because of its systemic nature and educational approach.
  • Tamara found a website which discusses ID models in detail. This seems like it might be a useful resource to check out.
  • Another great resource set forth by Dr. Rob: Instructional Design




(n.d.). Class. [Web Graphics]. Retrieved from
(2013). Thoughts. [Web Graphics]. Retrieved from

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Module II - Front Analysis: Needs Assessment and Problem Identifcation

The required readings for this week were very informative and highlighted the vital importance for instructional designers to conduct front-end analysis.

Front-end analysis - Blueprint for success
What is front-end analysis?  Simply stated, it is a careful analysis, processing and review of "the instructional context, the prospective learners, and the learning tasks" (Smith & Ragan, 2005, p. 42).

Why are the above three elements essential?  At the K-12 level, the accountability and standards movement, led to an increase call for improved learning measurements and validity; high stakes testing; and educational management (Cross & Joftus, 1997; Klien, 1999; Lewis, 1997). Some teachers and administrators were resistant to this new policy focus (Bushnell, 2003); however, if one wanted to stay employed in the public school system, one had to accept the announced change due to it becoming an educational mandate, under the NCLB legislation which became the law of the land (Rush & Scherff, 2012). In regards to context, learners, and tasks, front-end analysis minimizes the risk of problems, mistakes, and negativity with the above elements. Specifically, researchers note, "Investing time and thought early in the design process saves time, cost, and frustration in the end. This investment allows one to design and develop instructional materials that support learning what is truly critical, in a way that the material can be used by the intended learners in their learning environment" (Smith & Ragan, 2005, p. 42).

Model - FEA, IDD, and HPT


Important Concepts

Need (Dick, Carey, & Carey, 2009)
  • Desired status - establishing a standard or goal 
  • Actual status – existing level of performance 
  • Gap – one must identify gap between the desired status and actual status 
  • Equation: Desired status – actual status = need (Gap or need is defined as a comparison of the two) 
Needs Assessment (Discrepancy Analysis)
  • Needs assessment is one of the tools used in performance analysis aka front end analysis. 
  • It is a discrepancy analysis. 
  •  It identifies the two polar positions:
    • Where are we now? (i.e., “What is?”)
    • Where are we to be? (i.e., “What should be?”)
  • Thus, specifies measurable discrepancy (distance) between these two poles. In educational design, the two poles must be valid and representative.
  • A needs assessment has three defining characteristics:
    • The data must represent the actual world of learners and related people, both as it exists now and as it will could, and should exist in the future.
    • No needs determination is final and complete; we must realize any statement of needs is in fact tentative, and we should constantly question the validity of our needs statements.
    • The discrepancies (gaps) should be identified in terms of product or actual behaviors (ends), not in terms of processes (or means).
Final Thoughts

I found the readings very useful for thinking about and moving forward with my ISD Process Model assignment. I have three key objectives: analyzing/determining potential problems; identifying possible causes; and generating potential solutions. I learned that there are a variety of models available. I will pick a specific model to suit the needs of my context, learner/partners, and tasks.

There is a lot of detailed planning and thinking involved with front-end analysis. Some organizational and processing questions I have include the following:
  • Who are the specific educational partners (i.e., learners; parents/community members; and educators/colleagues) that I need to be aware of to achieve success?
  •  What are the gaps/discrepancies?
  • Since this is a hypothetical scenario, what methods might I use if a collection of data was really required? (i.e., Questionnaire; observation; interview (face-to-face or phone); Group data collection/DACUM/Delphi)

Check this out -  The ADDIE Analysis Phase
URL Address -


Bushnell, M. (2003, May). Teachers in the schoolhouse panopticon - Complicity and resistance. Education and Urban Society, 35(3), 251-272. doi: 10.1177/0013124503035003001. Retrieved from

Cross, C.T. & Joftus, S. (1997, September). Are academic standards a threat or opportunity? National Association of Secondary School Principles. NAASP Bulletin, 81(590), 12-20. Retrieved from

 Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J.O. (2009). The systematic design of instruction .(7th Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education,Inc Klein, M. (1999, May). The debate around standards. Voices from the Middle, 6(3), 27-29. Retrieved from

Lewis, A.C. (1997, October). Standards for new administrators. Phi Delta Kappan, 79(2), 99-100. Retrieved from


(n.d.). Blueprint for success. [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from

(2013). Concerns. [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from

(n.d.). Reflections. [Web Graphics]. Retrieved from


Gardner, J. C. (2011, September 25) The ADDIE analysis phase. Retrieved from

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Module I - Reflections

Tuesday's class session was very engaging with a rich group discussion.

We opened with the Brown Bag video of Professor Alexander Romiszowski who shared his authentic real world experiences of doing instructional design, development, evaluation (IDDE) and training at the international level. Specifically, Dr. Romiszowski has worked in such variety of foreign countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, Mozambique, South Africa, Spain, and Thailand, just to name a few. Two key take way points I gleaned from the video is that IDDE and training in real world settings can be challenging and "stakeholder buy-in" is absolutely essential for project implementation completion, and success. In addition, Professor Pusch stated that as an instructional designer - (1) You should have no ego; (2). Understand that a lot of negotiation is involved with a project; and (3) Select a project based on three-prong constraints: Cost, time, and resources.The above given advice is excellent because it reminds student that planning, patience, and efficiency are important elements to promoting project success.

Learning Activities

As a group, we completed two worksheets, Practical Exercise I and Terms Both activities were very useful because they helped students to process and apply the content information from our reading assignments. From the exercise I worksheet, the cloud imagery helped to reinforced the idea of an Open/Closed system. In addition, the ability to differentiate between a system approach and being systematic is very important because of the decisions one might have to make and the models and interventions that one might have to employ as a instructional designer.

Assigned readings

Although our class worksheet/learning activity addressed the terms listed below. I wanted to have a fuller contextualized picture of the theoretical framework associated with each term. The summary table below facilitates information processing of important key terms and ideas from our assigned readings. It was very interesting to learn that systems theory is relevant in instructional design as well as in other fields of study such as chaos theory, fuzz logic, science, and math.

"Instructional Systems Design (ISD) models are themselves applications of general systems principles. Predesign analysis phases, the creation of products and programs that function as elements of total system, the extensive use of feedback - all are examples of systems processes" (Tessmer & Richey, 1997, p. 89).

Guiding Questions
Key Insight
  • What is a system?
  • "A set of interrelated and interacting parts that works together toward some common goal" (Smith & Ragan, 2005, p.24).
  • "Characterized by the interactions of its components and the nonlinearity of those interactions" (Walonick, 1993, para. 1).
  • What is system theory?
  • “Provides a consistent framework for classifying and evaluating the world” (Walonick, 1993, Term Definition section, para. 20).
  • What is a systems approach?
  • “Provides a common method for the study of societal and organizational patterns;
  • It offers a well-defined vocabulary to maximize communication across all disciplines;
  • A consistent method of scholarly” (Walonick, 1993, Summary section, para 2).
  • Systemic approach vs. Systematic approach
  • Systemic approach involves addressing all elements that can potentially contribute or effect a particular situation
  • Systematic approach involves adopting a specific plan, process, or model. For example the ADDIE in instructional design is considered systematic (Romiszowski, n.d.).


Fang, B. (n.d.). Interview with Professor Alexander Romiszowski. [Class Handout]. IDE 632, Instructional Design and Development II, Spring 2014. Syracuse University.

Smith, P. L., & Ragan, T.J. (2005). Instructional design. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons

Tessmer, M., & Richey, R.C. (1997). The role of context in learning and instructional design. Educational Technology Research and development, 45(2),  85-115.

Walonick, D.S. (1993). General systems theory. [Class Handout]. IDE 632, Instructional Design and Development II, Spring 2014. Syracuse University.

(n.d.). Brain. Retrieved from

(2013). Video. [Web Graphics]. Retrieved from

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Opening Class Session - Good Start

Learning Community

The students in this course are very diverse and come from varied sociocultural backgrounds. I was please to see that there are some older students in this class. Many adult learners have a wealth of work/life experiences and prior knowledge which often enrich and deepens the learning experience in a traditional class setting (Knowles, 1973).
An end of the semester, a final project is due in this course. I am glad that the instructor offered students the option to work in pairs or as a group. Collaborative learning is a great way to promote deep engagement with the course content material and student-student interaction.

Trust and positive interdependence are two elements which the instructor hopes will develop between class members. To achieve the above goals, he encouraged students to work in groups, dialogue with each other on a consistent basis via email, BlackBoard, or blogging.

Technology Integration

In today's globalized world, digital acuity, awareness, and accessibility are essential for connecting with other individuals on both an intimate level (email) as well as on a large scale basis (social networks; blogging, and wiki construction). In this course, we will use Evernote as the cloud-based 2.0 platform for publicly sharing course content materials; posting completed hand-out materials from the assigned learning activities; and class PowerPoint presentations. Lastly, students are expected to post weekly reflections at their chosen blog site. Blogging is an excellent mechanism for promoting active/collaborative learning, authentic exchange of ideas, and ongoing peer-peer interactions (King & Cox, 2011). In this course, we are using Black Board for the course learning management system with functional features to email, construct internal blogs, and post modular summaries.

Course Content
  • Two questions opened the learning activity in this week's class session: What is instructional design? and What is instructional development?
  • Both questions led to students drawing upon their prior academic knowledge as well as their professional and personal experiences in order to articulate their understanding of the two concepts. 
  • The instructor used a PowerPoint (PP) presentation to introduce new  conceptual information and ideas to students as well as to review key IDDE theoretical frameworks, such as the ADDIE and Dick and Carey models. PP is a great way to capture and hold students attention. The visual images in alignment with the brief bulleted talking points helps students to retain important course content. Lastly, all module course materials will be available for download via Evernote
Final Impression

Overall, IDE 632 seems like it is going to be a fun and engaging class. The required assignments build incrementally on one another; thus, minimizing the chance/risk for students to feel stressed and overwhelmed. The reading assignments seem very manageable, although slightly dry. The students in the course seem very welcoming and approach. I am looking forward to a great semester.

Check this out - What does an Instructional Designer do?
URL Address:



King, K.P, & Cox, T.D. (2011). The professor's guide to taming technology. (Ed.). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, INC.

Knowles, M (1973). The adult learner: A neglected species. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Company.

Learning community.[Web Graphic]. Retrieved from

(2013, 05). Technology integration. [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from